1. Service Outline
2. Method Used
※The customer is allowed to apply re-delivery before logging in your information.
In this condition, please apply re-delivery in "Apply Re-delivery without Login".
(1)Please log in user information in the "the Customer Login" of "New Customer".
"the Customer Login" is the function that before using the service, the customer's name, phone, e-mail, address and postal code are logined in and only input logined number and password to show customer's information in the "Handle Re-delivery" while using in the next time.
(2)It is easy to change or delete the customer information after finishing login.
In the "Handle Re-delivery", please input logined number and password and then click "Change" or "Delete" button in the "the Customer Login" screen.
(1)In the input box of phone and password in the "the Customer Login" scrren, please enter logined phone and password and click the "Apply Re-delivery" button.
(2)Please enter the detail assigned by customer in the input box of "Handle Re-delivery"
(3)Please click "Next" button when finishing inputting the detail of "Handle Re-delivery". And then please confirm the detail in the Input Detail Confirm screen.
(4)If there is no misstake in the detail, please click the "Confirm" button and send the application.
3.The Effective Time and Login of Customer
4.Re-delivery Time
The period of time assigned is listed as following every time.
(1) To 7:00 evryday In the morning (9:00〜12:00) on that day
(2) To 9:00 evryday after 12:00〜15:00 on that day
(2) To 12:00 evryday after 15:00〜18:00 on that day
(2) To 15:00 evryday after 18:00〜20:00 on that day
※1 Please call the business place if emergency.
※2 Because of disaster or traffic accident, the goods is unable to be sent on the expected day.
※3 If you want to cancel the service after the delivery is accepted, please contact the branch business place.
5.Environment Used
The way allowed to use:this homepage and NTT DoCoMo(i mode)、au(EZweb)、SoftBank(Yahoo! phone)。